Another Spectrum

Personal ramblings and rants of a somewhat twisted mind

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Musical Monday (2023/01/02) – My Only Friend

I’m not much into love songs, particularly those that depict “young love”. However every now and again I do come across a song that depicts love in a very raw and deeply emotional way. This is one such song. I can do no better than to quote from the NZ On Screen regarding this song:

Chris Knox has described this love song as being “about as naked as I get” and “utterly heartfelt in a way that ‘Not Given Lightly’ only hints at”. So it’s no surprise the video is perhaps his most personal, with striking images of his long-time partner Barbara Ward’s face, sometimes projected on and merged with Knox’s own image. Mix in some classic low-tech Knox animation and the simple big red heart image of the Beat album cover – and it’s a poignant little gem.

NZ On Screen – My only friend

My Only Friend was awarded the 2000 APRA Silver Scroll Award (Australasian Performing Right Association)
For Best NZ Songwriting
. I’m surprised that this is the only Chris Knox song I have presented on Musical Mondays, as I like the “rawness” of his music. He’s also something of an icon here as he has had a huge influence on the development of a distinctive Kiwi sound.

Chris Knox – My Only Friend

My Only Friend

If I want you it's purely that There's nothing else
No one in this world I know like you
If I lost you I would be as if bereft
Of every single thing that makes us more than two

When I touch you it means so much to me
There is a sensual mystery to every move
When I'm inside you, I know it is the only place
To be completely free, completely true

So you can trust me
You can open every window, every door
And let the light come flooding in
And let the swollen rivers run
For there is more of what you love inside of me
Than even I can comprehend
There is no end
My only friend

If I hurt you it's only that I'm trying
To get deeper into everything you are
When I enrage you, I know that you will understand
How much we learn from venturing too far

So you can trust me
You can open every window, every door
And let the light come flooding in
And let the swollen rivers run
For there is more of what you love inside of me
Than even I can comprehend
There is no end
My only friend

I know how hard it is to be
Completely open, strong and free
To say what's truly on your mind
It's memories to unload
The very essence of your soul
That holds the key to your desire

Just know I love you
Yes, I think I know exactly
What that old eluded cliche truly means
I love you, it must be true
I finally put it in a song instead of singing in my dreams