Another Spectrum

Personal ramblings and rants of a somewhat twisted mind

Autistic Pride: Embracing Natural Behaviors and Ways of Interacting


[277 words, 1 minute read time]

Autistic Pride Day is a celebration of the neurodiversity of individuals on the autism spectrum. It’s a day that emphasizes the importance of accepting and valuing the natural variations in human brain functioning. Neurodiversity acknowledges that the ways in which people perceive, process information, learn, and interact with others are part of the rich tapestry of human diversity.

For autistic individuals, embracing natural behaviors means being free to express themselves in ways that are innate and comfortable for us, without the fear of judgment or the need to conform to neurotypical standards. Natural ways of interacting may include non-verbal communicationalternative forms of expression, and unique social interactions that are authentic to our autistic experience.

The day promotes an understanding that these differences are not deficits but rather aspects of individual identity that should be respected and appreciated. Embracing these natural behaviors and interactions can lead to greater self-esteemreduced anxiety, and a more fulfilling social experience for autistic individuals. It also encourages society to create more inclusive and accommodating environments, where neurodiverse individuals can thrive without the pressure to mask or hide our true selves.

The message of Autistic Pride Day is clear: neurodiversity is a natural and valuable part of human variation, and embracing this diversity enriches our communities. By recognizing and celebrating the unique ways autistic individuals behave and interact, we foster a more inclusive world that values every person’s natural way of being.

Resources used in the preparation of this blog post:

Author: Barry

A post war baby boomer from Aotearoa New Zealand who has lived with migraines for as long as I can remember and discovered I am autistic at the age of sixty. I blog because in real life I'm somewhat backwards about coming forward with my opinions.

3 thoughts on “Autistic Pride: Embracing Natural Behaviors and Ways of Interacting

  1. Hi Barry. I love this sentence you wrote and the feeling behind it. By recognizing and celebrating the unique ways autistic individuals behave and interact, we foster a more inclusive world that values every person’s natural way of being. There is a phrase or versions of it I heard that I do like. The phrase is “You do you” Or the other is “You be you” We are a stronger people when we accept our differences and enjoy the diversity. Best wishes. Scottie

    • I agree completely. This is how I replied to a comment by rawgod on my post “Discovering Autism at 60: A Lifetime of Masking”:
      …I think it is important to say that I don’t see Autistic pride day or any similar day as celebrating difference. I see them as celebrating diversity.

      Diversity is the lifeblood of our existence. It’s not about highlighting what sets us apart – like in gay pride or autistic pride events – but about embracing the rich tapestry of all our unique qualities. When we focus solely on differences, we risk ranking them, which can lead to valuing some over others and alienating people. Instead, celebrating diversity means we’re appreciating everyone’s contributions to a collective whole that’s greater and more vibrant than any one individual.

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